Stress and your genes

by Elia Strange

If you are thinking about getting a new job because the current one is making you stressed, think again.

A new findings,
which were published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process suggested that our genes might be responsible for our stress levels.

If you thought that stress at work affects everyone, then you might be right.

But, it is also a fact - that everyone experiences stress to a different degree, as I mentioned in my other article stress and health.

The research was conducted at the University of Notre Dame's Mendoza College of Business, and the study revealed that our genes influence our work stress, job satisfaction and related health problems.

The study looked at 600 twins (!) to see whether their personalities are shaped by their environment. The researchers found that our genes are 4 times responsible for our personality than the place where we were brought up.

In conclusion, the researchers said that leaving your job for another one because of stress might not work. If your genes made you an easy-to-get-stressed person, then you might be stressed at pretty much any job you apply for.

So, what can you do?

1) Think carefully - how much of your personality is responsible for how easily you get stressed.

2) Learn to reduce your daily stress, particularly at work, and look for jobs that are more suitable to your personality and not those which you think might be less stressful.

For example, think about how much activity and interaction with others you would like having at work, how much responsibility you would like to have, whether you prefer to do tasks mainly on your own or as a part of the team, and so on.

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